September 01, 2003 -- HM -- Barnes Log Out | Topics | Search
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Wild Poetry Forum » ~WPF Administration & Moderator Testing Forum~ » September 01, 2003 -- HM -- Barnes « Previous Next »

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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 3993
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 - 8:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
Don Barnes


See this woman
with amaretto skin
dark eyes and an easy smile.
Her children are with her
and she banters
with them laughing.
I wonder if she knows

they will become a city
and a nation.
From these she has borne
will come leaders
farmers and thieves
carrying her with them
in their blood.

Does her head lift
as she fries chicken
peels potatoes or scrubs
a dirty neck?
Her shoulders square
to bear this metropolis?

Does she hear their words
dropping from the future-
We remember you
and all you have done.

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